Jo Bell Therapy

Counselling and Psychotherapy in Richmond-Upon-Thames, Mayfair, and Online

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Counselling and Psychotherapy Confidential?

Absolutely. My practice is a confidential place where you can speak as freely as you like about what’s troubling you, with full assurance that the information given in the session won’t be disclosed to anyone. 

How Do I Know If I Need Therapy?

My therapy is suitable for young people and adults who are facing a range of mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, stress, trauma, relationship issues, bereavement, or any other problem – both recurring and one off. I can offer short-term counselling, which will give you a space to express your emotions once a week, along with providing solution-based help or longer-term psychotherapy for more complex, deeply rooted mental health issues.

How Long Does Each Session Last?

All sessions last up to 50 minutes.

Can I Speak to You Before My First Appointment?

Of course! You can give me a call for a quick chat before we agree on a time for a session. We will then organise an assessment consultation, during which you can explain your reasons for coming to therapy and we can decide on a way of moving forward that is personalised to you. If I don’t answer your call, it is probably because I am seeing a client, but I will get back to you as soon as I can.

How Often Should I Have Sessions?

Generally, I see clients on a weekly basis. If you are in a crisis and your situation requires more than one weekly meeting, this can be arranged. Alternatively, you may, over time, feel like a session every fortnight is all you need. It’s down to your preferences and needs.

How Do I Pay for Counselling Sessions?

Please pay by bank transfer. In the event of you needing to cancel a session, I need 48 hours’ notice, by email or phone, otherwise you will have to pay the full amount for the session.

No matter how difficult things may seem, help is always out there. My practice is a friendly, private place for you to receive the personalised support you need. If you are thinking about counselling and psychotherapy in Richmond-upon-Thames, Mayfair, and online, give me a call at any time.

© Joanne Bell

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